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When LIFEGATE Church started in 2014, a vision to see a family of worshippers form in the city of Denver existed. LIFEGATE Music was established to share the expression of worship at LIFEGATE and to spark a worship movement from this city that manifests the sounds of heaven on Earth.


We believe heaven will be vibrant, loud, and noisy – full of different expressions of worship. So why shouldn’t earth reflect the beauty of every nation, tribe, and tongue gathering in praise! After years of cultivation and the messy, beautiful work of seeking to be an intercultural community, LIFEGATE Music released the World Version of Living Hope in 2023 as an embodiment of what it means to be a people who worship across cultural and language barriers.


Worship is central to the Christian life. Our society worships a lot of things, but we believe there is only one being worthy of our worship – the triune God. Our songs and expression of worship aim to form people to truly be made alive in Christ and to experience the indwelling power of His spirit on earth as it is in heaven.


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